Another Boatshed launch party
Launch party at the RNSYC Lowestoft UK
As a visiting cruising Yachtsman I really enjoy using the facilities of local Sailing Clubs & Yacht Clubs. Steeped in history & surrounded by silver trophies and oil paintings the bar at the club house reminds me why we actually go sailing.
Will Farnell & Gary Travis from Boatshed Norfolk & Boatshed Suffolk Yacht chose the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk as their venue to host the launch their new yacht brokerage businesses.
Will & Gary had a terrific turnout with members, friends, businesses and clients attending the festivities.
We would like to say a special thank you to the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club as their hospitality & venue was perfect. Thanks to David Schonhut: Club Manager who looked after us extremly well and presented Will & Gary with engraved Leathermans, a Boatshed.com tradition. Also thanks to Terry Edwards: Vice Commodore for making us feel most welcome. The RNSYC was formed in 1859, as yachting was becoming more popular and the behaviour of some watermen needed controlling! Today the club has over 750 member & Will and Gary are proud to have been made Honorary members.
Lots of marine businesses attended from David Parish, Anglia Afloat who sent their Photographer Angela Sharp to do a feature on Will & Gary. Also attending was John Clabburn and his wife Neelia from European Marine Surveys. A special mention to Ryan Nicholson pictured below with his Mum, he was the youngest person to attend the party.
Crew members Dawn (Mate) and Anton from the "SV Excelsior", the beautiful 1921 Lowestoft fishing smack LT472 now used for training disadvantaged young people.
We all wish Will & Gary good luck in their new ventures.