BoatBid auction NOW OPEN!
Bidding has just begun for the September 2016 European Boatbid.
Boatbid.com is an online boat auction distinct from other online auctions.
It is not a “distressed-vessel” or an eBay style auction where the winning bid is obligated to the purchase sight unseen.
Instead the winning bidder (if the reserve price is met), agrees to sign a standard Boatshed.com Purchase and Sale Agreement at the winning bid price, and to provide a 10% deposit as part of that agreement, subject to satisfaction of demonstration and survey contingencies.
A Boatshed yacht broker will assist you through the purchase after the auction has ended.
Bidders names are confidential – if you are out bid you will receive email notification so you can place a higher bid.
REMEMBER if you bid within minutes of the auction ending, you will extend the bidding for a further 10 minutes.
The September Auction has begun and runs until Tuesday September 20, 2016 20:00 (GMT/BST)
Here are a few of the lots for sale in September's Boatbid auction
- 1967, Hatteras 41 Liveaboard
- 1988, Jeanneau Leader 750
- 1998, Riviera 39 Sport Fisher
- 2005, Bayliner 288 Discovery with flybridge
- 2004, Sea-Doo Utopia 185 Jet boat
- 1988, Beneteau Antares 860
- 1988, Dutch Steel River Cruiser - Liveaboard
- 1996, G L Watson Gaff Cutter
- 1980, Moody 40 with Centre Cockpit
- 2002, Bruce Roberts Mauritius 43
- 1999, Beneteau Oceanis 411 Ocean cruiser
- 1990, Cornish Shrimper 19