#BoatsThatTweet in the #MajPaj
I noticed a bit of banter on Twitter this week about Her Majesty The Queen’s Jubilee Pageant plans.
Thames Steamers Ltd @thamessteamer tweeted, “I'm sorry your majesty, but as hashtags go #diamondjubileepageant is just too long. Howsabout #majpaj ?"
@narrowboatlucy picked up the hash tag and was not afraid to use it. But @workboatpug pointed out, “Oi I have copyright on #Paj4Maj! :P ;) "
As well as @thamessteamer and @narrowboatlucy we can expect to see @kayakinglondon and @floatingsalon among the #BoatsThatTweet in the #majpaj
There’ll be more than one thousand boats on the River Thames on Sunday 3rd June preparing for Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant.
The boats will assemble between Hammersmith and Battersea and the procession will begin at Battersea Bridge at 2pm and finish downriver of Tower Bridge at about 6pm. The pageant will include a wide variety of decorated boats from small rowing boats, narrowboats, barges, boats from the forces and services, historic vessels and steam boats.
The official @riverpageant Twitter Account for the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant suggests using the hash tags #diamondjubilee and #riverpageant If you’re on Twitter make sure you’re following @boatshedgu for waterways news, blog updates, new boat listings, reduced boats and the occasional bit of silly banter based around hash tags like #saucyboats.
Pageant Countdown:10 days to go!
Is your boat in the pageant? Tweet to me and let me know.
Peggy Melmoth
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