Celebrating 40 years Managing Chichester Harbour
A fascinating exhibition celebrating the 40th anniversary of Chichester Harbour Conservancy is being held in September at Emsworth Museum.
Established by Act of Parliament in 1971, Chichester Harbour Conservancy was set up after pressure from local residents and users of the harbour. Uniquely the Conservancy was given powers as both the harbour authority and management body for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The exhibition looks back at our first 40 years and the range of work undertaken by the Conservancy. Large display panels and objects show key moments in our history on themes such as Wildlife, Access, Communication, Facilities for Yachtsmen and Harbour Patrol.
Photographs through the years are sure to bring back many memories for those who enjoy Chichester Harbour. Linked to the exhibition is an ongoing website project www.mychichesterharbour.co.uk On the site are hundreds of memories and anecdotes from people who live, work and play around the harbour. A selection of video interviews will be playing at the museum along with information on how you can get involved.
The exhibition is open throughout September on Saturdays 10:30am – 4:30pm and Sundays 2:30am – 4:30pm. Emsworth Museum is in North Street above the fire station