Confused by Facebook? Try this tip.
Are you confused by Facebook? So am I sometimes. It took me ages to figure out that when you look at your home feed it usually chooses ‘top stories’ for you, instead of the most recent ones. Now I usually select ‘most recent’ myself.
On the left of the home feed I noticed I can choose ‘Like pages’ which recommended pages that I might like. The top three suggestions were Vanity Fair, a pharmacy and spa and a cookery school. As I have no interest in any of these things and usually tend to ‘like’ pages connected to canals and boating I don’t know where Facebook gets its ideas from! On the right side of the page are the sponsored stories; but they rarely interest me. So how can I see more of what I do want to see on Facebook?
I just created an Interest List and it only took a few moments.
Try this: Go to your own Interests page at https://www.facebook.com/bookmarks/interests, or you can find it at the very bottom left of your home page.
Click the Add Interests button and click Create List. Search for the people or pages you want to add using the search box at the top of the screen, or browse the categories on the left.
When you’ve finished click next and choose a name for your list.
You can choose to make your list public or private. You don't have to like a page or person to add them to your list.
If that sounds too tricky my list is called Canals and Waterways If you’d like to keep up with boaters’ news why not add this list to your interests? If you already have a list adding our Facebook page to your list will let you keep up with Boatshed news, blogs, tips, boats for sale and boats reduced in price.
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