Norfolk Constabulary War on Marine Crime
The sun is out and the new boating season has begun and the Boatshed Norfolk team are out and about listing and undertaking viewings on the wide range of brokerage boats currently available.
Whilst out and about Pam was made aware of a new initiative which may well be of use to many small boat owners on the Norfolk Broads. In the war against crime on our waterways Norfolk constabulary has set up an initiative to help reduce the chances of your outboard engine being stolen.
Protect your outboard with a security cover which is designed to replace the outboard cowling when the boat is not in use, making it less attractive and devaluing the engine to potential thieves. The cover is made of PVC, has breathable holes to combat condensation and is designed to keep the weather out.
It is available in three sizes and ranging in price from £15 to £25. For more information or to order an outboard motor security cover, contact the Broads Beat team on 0845 456 4567 or email broadsbeat@norfolk.pnn.police.uk
For more info on this or our range of brokerage boats why not give Pam at Boatshed Norfolk International Boat & Yacht Brokers a call on 01603 783322 or 07515 904946