Own a yacht that generates income.
In these difficult economic times the purchase of a yacht has to be carefully justified. With money in the bank earning derisory interest rates you may be looking for imaginative ways to make your money work for you.
Boatshed Gibraltar has teamed up with the Allabroad Sailing Academy to offer an innovative yacht ownership scheme that generates income and doesn't depend on banks. This is how the scheme will work:
1. The yacht acquired from Boatshed Gibraltar must be less than 4 years old.
2. The yacht must be around 12m LOA and have three cabins (or maybe more).
3. The Boatshed Gibraltar/Allabroad Scheme offers the following benefits:
A) Guaranteed paid usage of 1 week per month at £500 per week.
B) Minimum GUARANTEED income therefore of £6000 per year.
C) Maximum theoretical annual income of £26,000.
D) Realistic annual forecast (70% occupancy) income of £18,200
E) Your own boat permanently in commission in sunny Gibraltar for use during mutually agreed periods when not in school use.
F) Your boat will never be bareboat chartered, it is always under the command of a qualified RYA Sailing Instructor from Allabroad.
Click here to speak to John Alcantara, Boatshed Gibraltar for more information.
Thinking of Selling Your Boat?
Boatshed Gibraltar can help you prepare your boat for sale and can have it on the market within days available to Boatshed’s own database of over 400,000 registered users. Up to 80 photographs are large 800x600 and as always we sell boats on a ‘No Sale, No Fee’ basis. Boats are also listed on The Yachtmarket and Yachtworld websites at no extra cost to the vendor
Click here to contact John about selling your boat
Click here to speak to John Alcantara, Boatshed Gibraltar