Plymouth Boatshow Round-up
Plymouth Boatshow Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th of April
A great day from the gods brought sunshine a plenty down on all that attended the Plymouth Boatshow held at the MDL marina Queen Anne's Battery (QAB).
There were exhibitors from Jeanneau, Karnic and Orkney boats to name but a few with other exhibitors including 'Sailing Today' magazine and Plymouth Power Boat School. Along with exhibitors the boat show had impressive displays of Jet ski acrobatics and wakeboarding through out the day, they proved popular with the crowds and added a spark to the show.
The ever growing community of Maritime Plymouth saw a busy stand signing up very impressed new member from a far a field as London!
The Local representation SCREAM-IT.COM in this years HONDA FORMULA 4 Stroke race series was also launched by the Lord Mayor of Plymouth on the Friday evening along side driver & navigator, Richard George (GOSS) & Danny Bamping (Crazze puzzles), before the main show opened for the 3059 visitors that came down over the 2 days.
This is almost a third higher than last year, hopefully seeing an encouraging growth to the show.
Plymouth Sound 97 FM were also on site with 'Black Thunder' doing some live broadcasts and coverage for those of you who didn’t manage to make it this year.
A big thank you goes out to all staff at QAB for their hard work and effort in putting the show on.
Thanks again to all who made it a success, see you next year!
Did you attend? Do you have any feedback or comments on how we can make it better?
Please do email or phone through suggestions and ideas for next years show to boatshow@boatshedplymouth.com