Six Useful Canal Websites
I have always been a great lover of maps. I like to know where I am - and where everything else is. A great site for planning your route, and seeing it on Google maps as well as getting a printable itinerary is . You can even get a virtual cruise, courtesy of the many geo-located photographs on line. Go to Canalpan AC
For an overview of the canals of the UK try this courtesy of UKWRS / Google Earth Canal Maps.
Jim Shead is a Waterways photographer and writer. His is one of the most informative sites I have found. It has maps, history, pictures and a massive searchable database of boats provided by the navigation authories.
Canal Junction is another cornucopia of information.for new boaters and the old hands. Need a surveyor, an engineer, a hire boat? There are comprehensive listings for all of them. You can also find out about days out on the canal and how to paint Roses and Castles.
Everyone interested in the canals should support The IWA (Inland Waterways Association). They campaign for the waterways, help maintain and resurrect waterways and run the main festivals. Over the years they have been a vital force in stopping successive governments from wantonly destroying our heritage and one of our greatest leisure facilities. The fight continues- join in and support the IWA. Boatshed Grand Union is proud to sponsor their festivals.
The Waterways Recovery Group is the heavy mob of the IWA. These are the people who spend weekends and holidays up to their armpits in muck and weeds restoring the Canals for us all to enjoy. Visit their website, join the camps and and have a great time.
Considerate Boater is aimed at those new to the waterways, but it does carry a valuable message for us all, as well as lots of good information.