UK Rhino Charge
UK Rhino Charge. Sunday 11th September 2011.
This coming weekend sees the Boatshed Sussex/Cowes Land Rover Freelander going out and getting it’s tyres muddy. It is time once again for the UK Rhino Charge, an off road 4 x 4 event held every year to raise funding for the Rhino Ark charitable trust and support the Rhino Sanctuary in Aberdare, Kenya.
Whilst not actually competing, Keith of Boatshed Sussex has been part of the organisational team for the UK event for the past four years. It is held annually in Pippingford Park in the heart of Ashdown Forest in Sussex, a 1500 acre private estate, boasting the delights of free roaming deer as well as a truly challenging terrain for off-roaders. The UKRC is the only off-road event held here during the year, so experienced drivers will not know what to expect. The course and trials are set by Brian Hartley from Club Off Road www.cluboffroad.co.uk whilst the overall running of the event is down to John Bowden of Gumtree 4 x 4 at Ditchling, West Sussex. www.gumtree4x4.co.uk
The course involves navigation as well as trials which are set to be interesting as opposed to arduous and are well within the capabilities of novice off-roaders, with optional “Tiger Lines” for the serious 4 x 4 enthusiasts. In all, a fun day out for everyone.
Spectators are welcome and guides are on hand to lead convoys of spectators around to the best vantage points.
Pippingford Park, www.pippingford.co.uk
can be found on the southern side of Ashdown Forest just below the junction of the A22 and A275. The event is well signposted for ease of finding.